Maintenance Requests


343 Sansome Street uses a web-based work order program called Building Engines to manage tenant service requests.

When you move into 343 Sansome Street, please use the Tenant Contact Information Form to designate 1-3 employees who will be authorized to enter service requests into the system.

Return the form to the Building Management Office and we will set up your account and send you the log-in information.

Following are instructions on how to navigate the Web site:

How to input a New Work Order:

  1. Log on to Building Engines.
  2. Enter the User ID
  3. Enter the password
  4. To submit a work order from your Tenant Homepage, click the hyperlink to the appropriate issue type. Select the appropriate Floor/Suite, specify a Location, and provide few additional Details for the service request. Click Save to submit the new work order.
    A confirmation message will display the unique identification number for your work order, as well as a summary of the request details. Click Ok to close the confirmation message.